Best Lands to pair with Steward of the Harvest

Hey Everyone, I'm back with another post! These Tarkir spoilers have me hyped. I'm most excited for the sultai as a lover of everything graveyard related. I have been freaking out most about Steward of the Harvest, an exciting card that allows you to give land abilities to creatures. I wanted to talk about some creative uses of this card.

Strip Mine

Now some of you all may want to debate me on the rules but if you give a creature the ability of Strip Mine we can use those creatures to sacrifice themselves to destroy your opponents lands. This is a very mean strategy but it is the first one that comes to mind. I highly recommend picking up strip mine if you were wanting it.


Castle Garenbrig


Castle Garenbrig is an amazing land to pair up with steward of the Harvest. For starters both are green so its always going to be accessible. Secondly all creatures will have the activated ability. Everytime we use this we net two mana that we can use for creatures or other activated abilities, this turns every creature we control into an ancient tomb!

Command Beacon

If you are anything like me you enjoy skimping out on command tax, or maybe you are playing a Shigeki deck and want your commander in your hand. Whatever your reasons sacrificing your tokens to get your commander back into your hand is great. Make the scumbag who dared to play drannith magistrate cower in fear before your mighty general.


Pairing the right cards with Steward of the Harvest in Magic: The Gathering can turn a powerful play into a game-winning strategy. Whether you're looking to maximize synergy, protect your key pieces, or accelerate your game plan, the right support cards make all the difference. Experiment with different combinations to find what works best for your deck and playstyle.

And don’t forget—having the right accessories is just as important as having the right cards. Keep your deck protected and your battlefield organized with high-quality playmats, sleeves, and storage solutions. Check out our store for everything you need to level up your game!

Regardless feel free to shoot me an email on your ideas. I love hearing from the community.

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